Veebs is an everyday shopping productivity app.
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It's as easy as 1-2-3.

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Veebs has the brands that align to your Values, and Replacement Suggestions for ones that don't.
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What is Values Based Shopping?
Consumers have choices both in WHERE they shop, but also WHAT they buy. There are many reasons to shop different brands: quality, affordability, customer service, and now more than ever — the brand’s own values. What values does the brand promote and endorse? … and the most important question of all. Do the brands you buy stand for what you stand for?
Consumers using the Veebs app to direct their money to brands whose values align with their own? That is values based shopping.
How do I make a change?
Change starts by making values based shopping a priority. Understand the brands that are in your everyday life and the products that you purchase most often. Small changes lead to big changes. Change starts with you. Look through your refrigerator and shelves, under the sink, and in your bathroom medicine cabinet. Pay attention to what goes in your grocery cart. Do the brands you put in it share your values?
Once you make one or two product swaps using the Veebs app, you will never shop the same way again. That is real change.