In blog post #1 we laid out the mission of Values Based Shopping TM, in blog post #2 we described our V Score system, and in blog post #3 we described the different ‘values systems’ or Values Packs the app uses as the viewpoint from which to calculate the 1-100 scores.
Now let’s use this blog post to focus some attention back on the Veebs App itself, and describe the key functions that deliver the most value to our Subscribers plus some useful tips.
Veebs Functions
Coming Soon!
Will be located at the top of every screen and you’ll be able to quickly toggle On/Off the presence of Store Brands from results. Great for when searching for branded options only.
Coming Soon!
Not all sectors are like Groceries, and don’t have UPC barcodes to Scan! We know this and will soon have a Categories button on the HOME screen that will let Subscribers access V Score ranked lists of companies that operate in every segment of the economy!
Coming Soon!
Instantly load items into a list with a special Rapid Scan function that reloads automatically. This will make it quick and easy to create a LIST of items that are all right in front of you. 1-2-3-4-5-6-…..
Coming Soon!
Every LIST will have its own Total List V Score, the average of all the V Score of every item in the LIST. Drive that score higher by finding Replacements for lower scored items that don’t align as well to your Values.
Coming Soon!
We want to give something back to our most active and engaged Subscribers. V Rewards will be accumulated with every value-add engagement like scanning items, creating Lists, submitting Missing Product information, setting Preferred Lists, contacting us with Suggestions, and more. Rewards points will be usable in the app for fun extras like skins, and promotions.