America’s workforce is under attack. With the help of the government, major corporations are actively replacing American workers with illegal immigrants through a well-coordinated effort spearheaded by NGOs such as the Tent Partnership for Refugees.
This is not a conspiracy theory. The numbers speak for themselves.
The Hard Truth About the Job Market
In 2024 alone:
✅ 1.3 million native-born Americans lost their jobs.
✅ 1.2 million foreign-born workers gained jobs.
This is not an accident. It is a calculated move backed by powerful interests that seek to undercut American wages and dilute the influence of the working class.
The mainstream media won’t tell you this. Corrupt politicians won’t tell you this. But Veebs’ research into corporate activities has unmasked the companies willingly supporting this attack on American workers and is vigilantly monitoring the situation to ensure that any new entrants to the Tent program are tracked by their scoring system
The 3-Step Plan to Replace American Workers
STEP 1: Reclassify Illegal Immigrants as “Asylum Seekers”
By labeling border crossers as “asylum seekers,” the government provides them with legal cover to remain in the U.S. indefinitely even if they are not immigrating from countries exempted from Title 42 restrictions to asylum seekers allowed to cross the southern border at ports of entry. This bypasses traditional immigration laws, reclassifies their work authorization status from illegal to legal and opens the door for them to take jobs that would otherwise belong to American citizens.
This isn’t about compassion—it’s about power and control. Nonprofits and NGOs receive BILLIONS in government contracts to facilitate this scheme.
STEP 2: Ship the Migrants to Small-Town America
The federal government, along with NGOs, operates an extensive transportation network, busing migrants into unsuspecting communities across the country.
Take Springfield, Ohio, for example. A town of 58,000 people has somehow absorbed 15,000 Haitians in just a few years. How did they get there?
They received buses and chartered flights, all funded by American taxpayers.
Fourth Street Foods’ processing facility in Charleroi, PA was transformed virtually overnight into a plant staffed with “asylum seekers” replacing 2,000 native born workers. An extensive network of NGO-funded middlemen coordinate shelter and transportation for these workers and collect a large portion of their wages for doing so.
This is happening in cities all across America while all the while the majority of the American people are completely unaware of this Great Replacement of America’s workforce.
STEP 3: Replace American Workers with Migrants
This is where Tent Partnership for Refugees comes into play.
Tent is a powerful NGO that, since it’s launch in 2016, has partnered with Blinken’s State Department and corporate America to fast-track employment for these migrants—often at the direct expense of American workers. This is the weaponization arm of the illegal immigrant takeover of manufacturing and services jobs. It acts as the standard bearer to give the green light to the rest of corporate executives looking to reduce labor costs at the expense of the American worker.
How does it work?
- Companies fire American workers and replace them with asylum seekers.
- The government artificially floods the pool of available workers with low-skill illegal immigrants.
- Big business gets cheap labor and the Biden administration scores political points.
It’s a win-win for them and a lose-lose for the American worker but it doesn’t end there. This flood of illegal immigrants causes several secondary and tertiary negative repercussions for Americans. The immigration itself helps mask cartel drug smuggling and child trafficking activity. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from fentanyl overdoses and an estimated 300,000 have simply fallen off the radar of the U.S. government into the hands of predators to be sexually trafficked or exploited by illegal forced labor practices. There is also an inflationary component that doesn’t get much attention; basic laws of supply and demand tell us that if you increase demand for food, shelter, etc. with no offsetting increase in supply, prices will increase. The cost of everything has increased dramatically over the last four years with this influx of migrants and corporations are more than happy to see their profit margins increase yet do nothing to increase capital expenditures to build out manufacturing capacity to balance the equation. In summary, all of the negative impacts of this wave of illegal immigration should be directly assigned to the corporations participating in this plan. Americans need to hold them accountable. .
Who’s Participating in the Great Replacement?
You might assume no company would openly support this. After all, wouldn’t it be a PR nightmare?
Wrong. Over 400 major corporations are actively involved in this scheme, using Tent to source foreign labor instead of hiring Americans.
Case Study: Tyson Foods
- As of March 2024, over one-third of Tyson’s workforce consisted of asylum seekers.
- That’s 42,000 out of 120,000 U.S. employees replaced by non-citizens.
And it doesn’t stop there. Other major companies participating in the Tent program include:
❌ Barilla
❌ Diageo
❌ Marriott
❌ Kellanova (formerly Kellogg)
❌ L’Oréal
❌ PepsiCo
These companies are actively undermining American workers—and you’re funding it every time you purchase their products.
How to Fight Back
This is where Veebs becomes an invaluable tool.
Veebs is a values-based shopping app that allows you to see exactly where a company stands on key issues, including their involvement with the Tent Partnership for Refugees.
- Scan products or search companies to see if they align with your values.
- Avoid brands that support anti-American policies.
- Support companies that prioritize American workers.
For example, with my Veebs settings, Tyson Foods scores nearly as low as possible—meaning I know exactly what brands to avoid.
It’s Time to Vote with Your Wallet
American workers are being replaced. Corporations and politicians are complicit. You don’t have to be.
Download Veebs, change your consumer habits, and fight back against the Great Replacement.
This isn’t just an economic battle—it’s a battle for the future of our nation. Will you stand up and fight?
Download the Veebs app today or visit for more information.