Values Settings
There are vast oceans of information about almost any company, some easy to find, some near-impossible. For the regular person looking for answers there are simply too many sources, known and unknown, too many dimensions to research, and too little time in which to do it. What they want are simple, easy to understand 1-100 Scores based on their personal values. But one person may have different beliefs and values systems than another person, and what might be good to one could be bad to another. This is what the Values Packs come in.
First, Veebs servers consume large volumes of data about companies. Then, our proprietary algorithms analyze the data and benchmarks each data element through the lens of the different personal values systems that predominate our society – the Values Packs. This is the foundation on which the 1-100 V Scores are created, based on Your values settings that you customize with your Values Packs selections in your app profile.
Here are the Values Packs people asked for the most:
America First
America First is both a political agenda and an ideology anchored in the traditional principles of American nationalism and greatness, personal freedoms, law and order, election integrity, economic independence, and a limited non-interventionist government. The America First Values Pack searches for companies that focus attention and resources on the creation and protection and utilization of American domestic resources jobs, manufacturing, and reject the subordination of American interests in pursuit of the allure of unified globalist profits.

Climate Emergency
Humankind cannot continue the over-development and destruction of planet Earth at the current pace or there will not be a planet left for future generations. The Climate Emergency Values Pack believes it is incumbent on every person, corporation, and government to do their part whether via recycling, Net Zero carbon emissions, responsible sourcing and manufacturing, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, and adhering to the guidelines set forth in the Paris Accord and the 1.5 degrees Celsius commitment made at United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21, 2015).

The Conservative pack is anchored in traditional Western values and individual freedoms. It believes companies should support family-centered communities, organizational meritocracy, free and open markets, limited government, the military and law enforcement, and a literal reading of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

LGBTQIA+, and its predecessors and successors, are social movements that advocate for LGBTQIA+ people in society. This Values Pack is focused on supporting that mission, intersectionality, and the demystification of traditional gender roles. It searches for companies that care deeply about equity for LGBTQIA+ communities, same-sex marriage, LGBTQIA+ programs, gender identity and transition independence, and the political activism required to counteract historical marginalization.

This Values Pack is designed to reflect the evolution and advancement of the modern Liberal movement both as a personal values system, and a set of political ideals that stand for meaningful change. The pack seeks out companies that embody a stance to improve our society through political reform by utilizing all the tools available: public policy, activism, technology, science, economic investment, and commercial allyship.

Social Justice
Modern Western civilization has benefitted greatly from the labors, and in many cases the plight, of other populations for centuries. Social justice is about the redistribution of opportunities and privileges within society to previously marginalized and underrepresented groups. This Values Pack is focused on companies that have embedded Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) programs, and are active and outspoken in their allyship confronting inequality and breaking down historically racist and structurally systemic barriers.

Support Veterans
Veterans and their families are heroes that walk among us. The foundation of the Veterans Values Pack is the belief that their sacrifices paid for, and continue to pay, all of the collective freedoms we enjoy today. This values pack is focused on identifying companies that value those sacrifices, create opportunities for Veterans, invest in Veterans-based charitable programs, and support the Veterans community.